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If you have used the Gift Aid Form on PayPal, thank you very  much for increasing the value of your donation by 25%.  If you didn't get offered the Gift Aid Form on PayPal and are eligible, please fill in the form below.

You can use the links below to return to our websites: FreeBMD, FreeCEN, FreeREG or explore this - our main website - where you can learn more about the work our thousands of volunteers are doing to provide you with access to records.

Gift Aid - Can You Make Your Gift Even More Valuable to us?

We area charity and if you pay UK income tax or capital gains tax, we can reclaim 25p for every £1 you give us. Gift Aid is a government scheme where charities can reclaim money on your contribution from the HM Revenue & Customs.

If you're a UK taxpayer you could increase the value of every £1 you give to £1.25 by filling in the form below; we can reclaim the tax you've already paid at no cost to you. One Gift Aid declaration here covers your future donations and can be back dated up to four years.

You can cancel your Gift Aid declaration at any time simply by contacting us (

If you have already made a Gift Aid declaration, Thank you! There is no need to do this again.

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Free UK Genealogy collects and processes personal information on this form for the purposes of processing your GiftAid claim on this, previous and future donations, or contacting you to thank you for your donation or resolve any issues relating to it, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.